Experiential marketing:

Why it converts

Here at TCC, we partner with some of the biggest brands to offer memorable and energy-filled experiential marketing activity to assist with campaign awareness and sales.

Why is Experiential marketing so important?

We’re in unprecedented territory in today’s landscape. Markets are saturated with brands looking for any way to gain competitive advantage, and consumers are inundated with information and content. As a result, brands are struggling with ad cut-through. Experiential activities meet customers in their own environments, creating physical interactions and emotional connections with a brand or product. This in turn fosters a greater understanding of the brand or product among consumers. It puts products in the hands of the consumer, entices trial, leading to greater product awareness. Consumers will be more likely to keep the brand and product top-of-mind when considering purchase. Experiential activities also allow brands to reward customers for their time with instant gratification or ‘brand in hand’ prizes. This emotional connection to the brand that has been forged lasts long after the experience is over.

How can TCC help my brand?

We tailor-make activities to enhance your brand’s objective. Creating multi-channel consumer journeys using innovative technologies and digital support to create ‘stop and stare’ sensory moments that allow a consumer to touch, feel, taste, and even smell a brand first hand. This can be scaled and can also flex to changing brand needs—any budget and project size can be catered to. We have a deep understanding of your customers, brand positioning, and market, and know how to maximise your brand’s awareness and optimise spend.

Results that speak for themselves

Example A:

A recent experiential campaign we created for a top retail client utilised interactive inspiration zones in flagship stores with the goal of capturing attention and educating customers about the unique selling points of the product and its software advancements. As a direct result of this experiential marketing campaign, we saw the following:

  • Store footfall uplift of 21% during pre-order periods
  • A sales increase of 94% across all stores during launch week
  • A total number of 1.28 million digital impressions

Example B

We undertook a complete store takeover for a retail client upon the launch of a new product, using both interactive inspiration zones and bespoke-build display tables within product zones. The inspiration zones created the perfect selfie backdrops where visitors could submit their photographs to be placed into a competition draw, and the product zone tables showcased the entire product ecosystem. Using the campaign colours heightened awareness of the activity whilst aligning with the client’s brand campaign. The results of the campaign were impressive:

  • Photographic competition entries were shared to an audience of over 200,000 using the assigned hashtag
  • A 30% footfall uplift in the activity stores – 136 selfie entries on social platforms
  • The live hospitality event was streamed over TikTok to an audience of 80,000

Experiential marketing transforms the undecided to the totally convinced by engaging them on multiple levels, creating memorable, shareable experiences that last in memory.

If you’re looking to elevate your marketing with experiential campaigns, or if you have an upcoming launch or store opening, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you and help you connect to your audience through creativity and innovation.

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