Bringing Google Pixel 8
to life

Experiential | Digital | Promotion

The challenge

Google’s Pixel 8 Pro launch presented the challenge of creating an impactful in-store experience to attract and engage the target audience. The goal was to communicate the unique features of the Pixel 8 Pro effectively.

The solution

We devised a multi-faceted strategy, starting with an immersive installation in flagship stores which extended the film theme and the interactive concept “Be your own Director and win”. The in-store Inspire zone aimed at capturing attention, creating dwell time, and educating customers about the Pixel 8 Pro features.

This approach was complemented by a 3-day event at 120 Oxford Street featuring O2/Google branded doughnuts, an O2 Angel presence, and a QR code-based competition to enhance customer engagement.

Simultaneously, we ran paid social activities for both pre-order and launch with enticing messaging to drive footfall in active stores.

The result

The campaign yielded remarkable results. Pre-order week saw a 21% increase in footfall compared to the previous month, with sales surging to 10 times higher than the previous week. Launch week continued the success with a remarkable 94% increase in sales across all stores. Our digital marketing activity also generated 4,100 store visits and over 1,280,000 impressions across six stores.

Positive feedback from the Google team affirmed the success of the immersive experiences, interactive competitions, and strategic digital marketing. In conclusion, our innovative solution exceeded expectations, providing a compelling showcase for the Pixel 8 Pro and demonstrating the power of immersive experiences and strategic digital marketing in driving substantial sales and engagement during product launches.

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